How To Design Product Pages That Sell

Your product page is the heart of your online store.

You invest time, effort and money to drive traffic to your amazing product so don't turn visitors off with a lack-luster user experience.

Designing a product page that converts browsers into buyers, isn't hard but most store owners don't have the time or know how to boost conversions and sales.

Here are the steps I take on client projects that increase conversions up to 85%.


Before measuring improvements, take a baseline assessment of your product page analytics. Low conversion rates and high bounce rates, can show it's time to revamp your product page.

Speed sells! 40% of visitors abandon a web page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Take a look at your product pages and see how quickly they load.

Google your business. Search keywords potential customers would use to find for your products. If you're not ranking well, it's time to improve your product page.

The Fix

When clients have an e-commerce site that is not performing well - you know, not making money – they almost always look outside their site for a solution first. Promoting heavily with paid ads to drive traffic to your site.

But if the problem lies with how easy (or not) you make it for customers to click buy, you're just wasting ad dollars.

Quality Photography

Images sell when it comes to online. Larger images can also boost conversions up to 63%

Your online store needs to best replicate an in-store experience for shoppers. And since your customers can't touch, wear or physically interact with your products (especially with no brick-and-mortar alternative), you need high-quality images that allow visitors to zoom in so they can get a true feel for the product.

Product images allows you to engage with potential shoppers without physically being there. Display different angles and multiple views on your product page, just as you would in-store. This builds trust and increases the likeliness of a purchase.

Engaging Product Descriptions

Why write a bullet list of features when you can craft a compelling product descriptions and increase conversion rates by 30%.

When it comes to the art of selling focus on the benefits. Use your product descriptions to paint a picture of how your product will transform a customer's lifestyle.

It's best to combine a mix of short and long descriptions for each product. In the short description, start with an engaging introduction using copy that matches your brand - sassy, funny, conservative, etc. Then cover the features using short sentences.

The long description is an opportunity to dive into the lifestyle of your customer and really talk about your products impact. Make the long version information-rich and address all your shoppers' questions.

Product Reviews

Having reviews on your product pages increase your trust factor. According to a study, 77% of customers read reviews before buying something online.

This can truly win sales for your business with a 12.5% higher chance of converting sales just by having product reviews. Then as you have more than 20 reviews conversion can be up to 83.85%.

Product reviews give your customers a chance to sing your praises or let you know somethings wrong. While it may seem scary to have "bad reviews", it's really an opportunity to address and fix problems in your business.

Product Videos

Videos are engaging and provide another way for visitors to experience your product before they buy. The best thing is that videos are loved by customers and search engines too!

People who watch a video of your product are as much as 85% more likely to purchase. Videos are a great way to educate people about your product - how to use it, who is the product for, answer FAQs, and telling your product or business story.

Videos are a great compliment to your long product description.

Mobile First & Quick To Load

Mobile internet usage wins out over desktop, so it's important that your online store has the same user experience across multiple devices. I like using Shopify themes because they are built for mobile and look great on all devices.

With a 40% abandonment rate on web pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load – speed matters! To make your online store load quicker reduce the file sizes of your images. While high-resolution matters, there are ways to make files smaller without sacrificing quality.

Take Action

If your sales aren't where you expect, start by evaluating your online store and implementing these changes to optimize conversion.

Need help assessing your website?

I offer Shopify store owners a Store Insight Review where we'll walk through your site and I'll over my best optimization tips based on your specific needs. Contact me to get started

About Chanelle White

Chanelle is the founder of StudioCRW and e-commerce strategist who helps Shopify store owners transform their stores into traffic driving, money-making machines. As a Shopify Expert and Shopify Studio Partner member, Chanelle is committed to helping online businesses find success.